Debt Collection

Debt Collection Department

Bornman and Hayward debt collection services offer a range of valuable solutions to clients facing challenges in collecting outstanding debts.

These services encompass general advisory services, providing clients with expert advice on effective debt management, credit control, and risk assessment. Additionally, debt collection services offer specific legal advice, ensuring clients understand their rights and obligations, as well as the available legal options for debt collection.

In cases where debtors have absconded or concealed assets to evade payment, debt collection services employ debtor tracing techniques to locate the individual and seize assets, enabling the satisfaction of the owed debt.

Debt collection services also assist clients in restructuring their debt and negotiating payment plans with creditors to avoid the need for legal intervention. Through call center collections, debt collection services establish contact with debtors and facilitate informal or formal payment arrangements.

They also play a crucial role in debt recovery by assisting clients in retrieving assets and collecting owed debts, including outstanding payments, unpaid loans, and unpaid invoices.

Finally, when debtors refuse to pay or dispute the debt, debt collection services can initiate legal action on behalf of clients, such as issuing summons, obtaining judgments, and enforcing those judgments through appropriate legal means.

Professionals (1)

We offer amongst others, the following services

  • General advisory services:
    • Providing clients with advice on debt management, credit control, and risk assessment.
  • Specific legal advice:
    • Helping clients understand their legal rights and obligations, as well as the legal options available to them for collecting debts;
  • Debtor tracing:
    • If a debtor has absconded or is hiding assets to avoid payment, we make use of various techniques to locate the debtor and seize those assets in order to satisfy the debt owed.
  • Negotiations:
    • Negotiating with debtors on behalf of their clients to reach a settlement or payment plan. This can be a more cost-effective and efficient option than pursuing legal action.
  • Restructuring:
    • Helping clients restructure their debt and negotiate payment plans with creditors to avoid legal action.
  • Call Centre Collections:
    • Making contact with debtors to make either informal payment arrangements (e.g. weekly/monthly promise to pay undertakings) to more formal payment arrangements (e.g. written acknowledgement of debt and monthly pay over via bank debit order)
  • Debt Recovery:
    • Assist clients to recover assets and/or debts owed to them, including outstanding payments, unpaid loans, and unpaid invoices.
  • Legal Action:
    • In cases where debtors refuse to pay or dispute the debt, take legal action on behalf of clients, such as issuing summons, obtaining judgments, and enforcing those judgments through various legal means.

I thank Bornman & Hayward for the invaluable help they have provided me with as one of their Clients since August 2016. Their service, guidance, and understanding while handling my case were incredible. I am grateful for their efforts and look forward to continuing business relations with them in the future.

Bronwyn Chambers – Family Law Client